My outfit today is plain black pants paired with a blue, peacock looking shirt. The shirt has hints of purple in it so I matched it with this lavender sweater.

I also got my nails done yesterday and since they are so cute I thought I would share. I never pick red colors like this but the lady in front of me was getting hers done this color and they were just so stinking cute that I wanted to do it too. She saw me looking at hers and said don't worry, I borrowed the idea from the lady in front of me too. ;)

My positive moment of the day comes from the end of the school day after I had met with a student's parents. The parents had one vision of the teacher I am and it went against everything I thought I am as a teacher. My principal came to check how the meeting had gone and as I began to tell him, tears rolled down my cheeks. It was so hard to admit that a parent doesn't think you are doing right by their child. I felt defeated, until my principal reassured me that I am doing everything I can to be the best teacher to the most students. He assured me that I may not always please all of the parents, but if I am doing my best and what I think is best for my students, then there is nothing more that I need to worry about. =)
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